Most of us Disneylifestyers look forward to Dapper Day coming twice a year! And many of us spend weeks prior planning our outfits and adventures for that day. But sometimes we forget the simple things that can make our day go much smoother. And sometimes Dapper Day doesn't go exactly according to plan. Maybe your adorable shoes start to hurt 30 minutes in. Maybe you check your compact and see your complexion is a little too glowy. And maybe that dreaded moment comes when you realize in your Disney Photo-pass Photos that your false lashes are pealing right off! I've been there...many...many times. So I created a check list of Dapper Day Essentials to make sure I'm fully packed for a worry free, petticoat puffed day! Below is a replica of my list I keep on my phone and some links to help you prepare yourself for a worry free Dapper Day! All of these can be found quickly and easily!
1) Women's Foldable Flats Amazon.com2) Bobby Pins 3) Latex Free Duo Eyelash Glue 4) UV Parasol / Sunscreen 5) Bath and Body Hand Sanitizer 6) Elf Blotting Compact 7) Fuelrod Portable Battery 8) Disney Princess Band-Aids